In Nipigon hebben we het meest noordelijke punt van onze route bereikt; de 49 graden noorderbreedte. Nu fietsen we dus weer naar het zuidwesten, richting de Amerikaanse grens, die we morgen verwachten te passeren.
Tijdens de fietstocht over de Transcanadian Highway komen we vele ander vakantiefietsers tegen; velen maken de fietstocht van Vancouver naar St. John, New Foundland.
It's been some time ago, but finally here is the next update. We cycled to the most northern point of the Bruce Peninsula and there we took the ferry across to Manitoulin-island. After that we turned on to the Transcanadian Highway and cycled along the great lakes (Huron and Superior). This took us through some beautiful scenery; wooded with lot of small lakes.
In Nipigon we reached the most northern point of our route; the 49th parallel. So now we are cycling towards the southwest again, towards the American border, which we expect to cross tomorrow.
During our cycling on the Transcanadian Highway we met a lot of other cyclists; many of them are making the trip from Vancouver to St. John, New FoundLand.
Downpour during thunderstorm
Ferry Ms. Chi-Cheemaun
Updating our logbook
Swimming in Lake Superior
Steep climb on Transcanadian Highway
Wawa Goose statue
Our house pet, squirrel